Your Worst Kitchen Disaster [Giveaway]
This giveaway is now closed.
UPDATE: Thank you guys so much for supporting me in this! I am so excited to announce that I won the Pampered Chef Blogger Blunder Kitchen Disaster contest – $3,5000 of Pampered Chef product and a gift card to Spa Finder. I couldn’t have done that without all of YOU.
Even though the giveaway is over now, feel free to leave a comment still if you’d like and don’t forget to read through some of the other disaster stories. There are some GREAT comments in here.
Congratulations to Jeneen for winning the Easy Brie-zy Pizza Set!
Disasters Happen Here Every Day
I say (jokingly, of course) that it’s a good thing that I was asked to share my worst “kitchen disasters” because we all know that I’m too good (I’m totally not) to have a “cooking disaster.”
Eric looks up and says “cooking disasters happen in here every day!” I am baffled, at a loss for words. WHAT? But he quickly recovers saying that by cooking disasters he means big messes.
And he is definitely right about that one, only I don’t view those as true “disasters,” just my genius creativity at work. But I will admit that I’ve never been a very tidy cook and have always felt that the only thing I hated about cooking is the cleaning up part.
My Worst Kitchen Disaster
I’m home from vacation with one day to unload the car, unpack, do laundry, settle the kids and pack myself up again before I leave for another trip, this time work related.
I come downstairs from laundry, quickly rushing to the kitchen. My mind is obviously somewhere else because I’m completely perplexed as to why the floor feels so…disgusting…and crunchy.
It takes a moment for the horrifying scene before my eyes registers with my brain. I realize that what I’m stepping on are tiny multi-colored sprinkles. And there aren’t just a few. There are a lot more than a few. A whole heckuva lot more.
Upon further inspection I find that not only has Madeline emptied several once full bottles of sprinkles onto the kitchen floor, but that she’s sitting on the counter rubbing her sweet little hands together like she’s putting on lotion…only she’s used an entire bottle of green food coloring for the job.
She must be pretty satisfied with herself because she stops rubbing those hands to flash a toothy, chubby cheek smile my way before continuing on her merry way.
The next task at hand — dumping curry powder into some concoction she’s got brewing nearby. Unfortunately, more curry makes it onto the counter than into her bowl. Which then ends up all over the seat of her pants.
At the time I’m feeling all sorts of things: annoyed, concerned, furious… that my 2 year old has figured out how to push a chair from the kitchen table over to the counter so she can get into the spice cabinet.
I’m so beside myself that I call Eric and tell him that I don’t care how tired he is, that there will be child locks on all the kitchen cabinets when I’m home from my trip.
I have too much to do still, and so I leave the mess as evidence but not before I take the chair and the bottle of curry powder away.
The only thing I can think to do is send Madeline out back in her diaper with the sprinklers on and popsicle in hand so she can wash off while I pout about my circumstances.
Payback Time
Only now months later do I realize that this is just payback for the occasion that I, as my 3 year old self, found it quite prudent to create my very first cake on the kitchen floor. Like mother, like daughter.
I think my parents must have known back then that the kitchen would be always be my most favorite room in the house, because after that disaster I certainly made many, many more.
I can only hope that Madeline will one day find the same joy in the kitchen that I do. And that maybe she’ll get a little payback of her own too.
P.S. We now have child locks on every single cabinet in the house, in or out of the reach of little hands.
P.P.S. Every word of this is the absolutely truth.
Now it’s your turn – SPILL IT – what is your worst kitchen disaster?
Were you the cause or someone else? Did it involve a recipe failure, a gigantic mess, or something else crazy? Was it a major holiday recipe disaster or more every day run of the mill disaster? DO TELL! I am so curious!
Even if you don’t have anything to share, I’d love your comment. Comments on this post count as votes on my entry in the contest.
Giveaway Prize (1 winner):
Easy Brie-zy Pizza Set (valued @ $115)
Giveaway Requirements:
- Leave a comment on this post telling me about your worst kitchen disaster.
- You may NOT enter using multiple email addresses. Automatic disqualification.
- Additional entries must leave a separate comment.
- Contest ends April 15, 2011 at 12:00 p.m. CT.
- Contest open to US States only.
- Winner will be chosen via random.org and will have 3 days to respond before disqualified and a new winner chosen.
Extra Entries:
Additional entries can be earned by doing any of the following, giving you a total of 3 entries. Leave a separate comment for each of your entries.
1. ReTweet the following message: Win a @pampered_chef Pizza Set (val. $115) and help @goodlifeeats win the Kitchen Disaster contest http://su.pr/1Kft6v #giveaway
2. Become a fan of GoodLife Eats on Facebook.
Contest Info
The Pampered Chef has asked me to share my very worst kitchen disaster with my readers in a little blogger contest. I own several Pampered Chef products and have always been happy with them so I agreed to participate. Plus, this is a good disaster story and something I’ve never shared here before.
I was not compensated for sharing my worst kitchen disaster in any way, but the winner — you need to comment on my post to help me win — winner gets $3,500 The Pampered Chef kitchen tool makeover and $125 towards SpaFinder.
To follow along with The Pampered Chef SPILL IT! Contest, “Like” their Facebook Page and share your worst story there, too (by Wednesday at noon CT) for a chance to enter this same contest.
Karen says
Rita says
Congratulations on your win Katie!
Nina says
I had my MIL in the kitchen breathing down my neck and generally making me NERVOUS. I stuck something in my brand new VITAMIXER and actually broke the paddle! I was so upset and she was not nice about it. I also spilled my “calming” glass of red wine all over the chair cushion that night!
Elyse says
When I was a young teen, I took it upon myself to make my first pie. I was so proud of myself! I took out my mom’s Betty Crocker cookbook and slaved over the careful creation of flaky, made-from-scratch crusts. I then substituted cherry pie filling for the cherries the recipe required—but still added the sugar! The pie looked beautiful, but it turned into a sugary rock.
My dad tried to make me feel better by picking off the crust and eating it over the next few days…
Kerstin says
I hope you win!!
I unknowingly had a leaky cheesecake pan once, ugh, what a mess!
Katie @ Kitchen Stewardship says
I have so many little ones…worst kitchen disaster is probably over-rising bread in the oven – burnt all over the bottom. Yuck.
naomi says
Had to share one more kitchen disaster. . .
I had placed some homemade pomegrante molasses syrup in a plastic container for storage in the refrigerator. Easy enough, right?
Well the next morning, after seeing a very sticky red pool all over and dripping down my refrigerator shelves-I realized the plastic container had a small crack. Everything in the container, the very thick and syrupy molasses sauce was now everywhere and in everything.
Needless to say, I only use glass containers now.
naomi says
One of my worst kitchen disasters-I was busy tweeting, yeah tweeting, and making caramel sauce. Uh, bad idea. Not only did I burn it, but I knocked over the saucepan onto the floor.
Hot, messy and hardening fast from the cool air temperature. I was at a complete lost how to clean up.
I ended up scraping it up with a dustpan and using a warm sponge on the remainder. Ten secoonds of tweeting cost 1 1/2 hours in cleaning.
Karen says
Like you on FB: Karen Bridges
Karen says
Karen says
My worst kitchen disaster was making homemade fried potatoes. I nearly burned my kitchen down, trying to make the perfect homemade fries.
Sherezada says
I once tried to make Sweet Bean Pudding, which were these tamale-like bundles made with fresh banana leaves. It’s was one disaster after another: I used brown rice instead of white, so the rice didn’t cook; the leaves were brittle and broke, spilling the filling all over the pot. The worst was that I didn’t realize you had to refill water in the pot when steaming, so I ended up burning the whole batch anyway! It was a mess, scorched banana leaves and uncooked rice…the whole apartment smelled for days!
Sumin Kim says
Right after I got married I wanted to make a nice dinner of steak and roasted asparagus with balsamic glaze. To this day I don’t know what happened but when I took the asparagus out of the oven the balsamic glaze splattered all over my white cabinets and appliances and even the walls and ceiling. I still found spots of balsamic glaze hiding in the crevices of the kitchen. It took me years to overcome my fear of roasted asparagus with balsamic glaze which I now make regularly.
SnoWhite @ Finding Joy in My Kitchen says
I’ve had many, but recently — forgetting the sugar in cream cheese brownies. Gross.
Kristina says
I once was tring to bake cookies for thanksgiving for my whole family! I went to grab the sheet out burned my whole arm dropped the cookies! They were my first batch and after that I didn’t bake a single thing for a week cause my arm was so bad!! Our only thanksgiving without bake goods as I didn’t make pies either
Kristina says
I am a fan on FB