New House – Mantel Update
Sometimes small updates like an updated mantel can make such a difference in a room. So, our old house didn’t even have a mantel. It had this tiny little ledge that wasn’t deep enough to hold anything.
Naturally I was pretty happy that our new house had a larger ledge. Something deep enough to put substantial items on. Something actually worth decorating. That called for a little mantel update.
Target is a dangerous place for me these days. I often come across something so inspiring and perfect to add to our new house that I just can’t pass it up. That is what happened when I saw this Arched Windowpane Mirror. Quite a lot less than similar styles seen in more high end stores, but it looks pretty great above my fireplace and I thought the shape was just perfect.
I do want to actually hang the mirror so it is slightly hiring and has a better fit in the cut out, but you know…we are real people too and that will happen when we get around to it. For now I am happy that it is no longer an empty space.
I had the sign which reads “Live well, Love much, Laugh often.” in our previous home. The picture frames just need a couple of new photos in them (which would require me to remember to get the pictures developed) and we’re all set…at least until Christmas when things need to be rearranged to accommodate the stockings and other seasonal items.
One of these days we might get around to painting the family room. We’ve already tackled Madeline’s room and the master bedroom, but those two story ceilings don’t exactly have me running off to the paint store.
Have you done any small updates lately?
Judit says
The mirror does look perfect for your mantel and your decor looks lovely!
Jodi says
That mirror is amazing; it is the first thing I noticed about your mantel decor.