Stocking Stuffers for the Kitchen Lover
Silicone Basting Brush $6.99
Measuring Spoons $15.45
Cookie Scoop $11.99
Pastry Blender $11.95
Microplane Zester $14.95
Cherry Pitter $12.99
Meat Tenderizer $12.61
For more ideas, check out my hand-picked recommendations in the goodLife {eats} Amazon Store And now for what I really want to know: What’s on your list this year? Are you done shopping? Or barely just started? Or somewhere in the middle?
My Christmas wish is for a new camera. I’m feeling tired and limited by this little point and shoot that’s been so good to me and I’m ready to move on to something with more options.
Courtney says
Better fwd this to the hubs! 🙂 I have the cherry pitter and ice cream scoop. Not sure how far I’d get on the SLR. Can keep dreaming, right? 🙂
FC88 says
Oh, now I see it, I was only paying attention to the right bottom half, didn't see the scoop on the left side. Oops!
FC88 says
I kept looking at the cookie scoop thing, but I just couldn't figure how do you use it?
dez says
I love kitchen gadgets- my in-laws have had a tradition of mystery gadgets since before my 37 year old husband was born, so their kitchen junk drawer is crazy. I have the cherry pitter- I use it more for olives. I don't have a pastry cutter. I was making biscuits tonight and used a potato masher. Worked perfectly and less annoying to clean than those sharp little pastry blenders. I don't know how it would be on pie crust, but I think it's much the same thing you're going for right? I bought a cookie scoop in an after Xmas sale a couple of years ago and between that and discovering the miracle of parchment paper, my Xmas cookier look like Martha made them.
Claire (Culinarygoddess.com) says
I just got that camera! It's great, I still don't really know how to use all the fancy settings but its great to learn on!
simpledaisy says
I love the stocking suffers!! Great ideas!!
Katie @ goodLife {eats} says
Anonymous – the point and shoot is what I am using for the food shots currently. I haven't really thought about selling it, but it is something I'll consider if I get the new camera. Please send me an email so I'll have your contact info in the even that I decide to sell.
Amy J in SC says
Great suggestions. I've got a few last minute items to get in the mail.
Anonymous says
Will you be selling your current camera if you get your wish? Is that the camera you take your beautiful food shots with? I don't have a camera and might be interested in purchasing your old one if you decide to sell it. I'm just in the process of starting a blog and may need a few pics once in a while.
Katie @ goodLife {eats} says
DailyChef – I sure did. I own all the above items and purchased all from Amazon. They have great prices on kitchen stuff, plus free shipping for $25 or more (or if you are a Prime member like me, free shipping on almost anything).
DailyChef says
These are some great ideas. Did you get them all from Amazon?
Maria says
Great ideas! We are done shopping, kept it simple this year. I do my shopping online. We just have to bake for the neighbors and we are done. Hubs bought a HUGE TV so that is our gift this year. I hope you get your camera:)
Amy's Stocking Stuffers says
I love kitchen stocking stuffers! I always make sure to stop at Williams Sonoma to see what they have new each season. I don't have one close by, but there are also kitchen outlet stores that always have some goodies at low prices. Thanks for the fun list!
Bec says
I love that every one of the things in this post are on my Christmas list too! Merry Christmas to you and yours! God Bless.
Linebinevaskemaskine says
I would love! that cookie scoop! we don't have them here in Denmark 🙁