#SilkProteinFiber Twitter Party
Almond Milk has been my preferred “milk” for several years now. I love it on a bowl of granola and it makes a great addition to smoothie recipes, like this household favorite of ours – Pineapple Apple Kale (or Spinach) Smoothie.
Almond Milk got even better with silk.com Protein + Fiber Almond milk. It is fortified with 5g each of protein and fiber per serving. Join me and @HaveSippy for a #SilkProteinFiber Twitter chat Tuesday afternoon for more delicious almond milk talk. Hope to see you there. Party details, including prizes, and RSVP are below.
Party Details
Please join me and @HaveSippy as we chat about working out and leading an active lifestyle as well as tips for incoporating Silk Protein+Fiber into your daily life. Silk Protein + Fiber is Almond Milk fortified with 5g of protein and 5g of fiber in each serving.
When: July 29th, 2:30-3:30 pm EST
Twitter Hashtag: #SilkProteinFiber
Prizes: One $125 Visa Gift Card and Five $75 Visa Gift Cards
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