Mother’s Day Gift Guide: The Aspiring Chef
I told you I saved the best for last, right? In my opinion anyway. Is your mom an Aspiring Chef? Is she queen of the kitchen? Or maybe she wants to be, but she’s just not there yet. This is the perfect gift guide for her. I didn’t forget the GIVEAWAYS. Here is your chance to win big for mom! Six winners total on this one, and I promise that the products won’t disappoint! Unless you think over $600 worth of prizes is disappointing…
y-to-follow recipes such as Lavender Ginger Lemon Sugar, Strawberries with Lavender Yogurt Cream, Honey Ginger Lavender Lemonade and Roasted Halibut á la Provence . Beautiful photos capture the vivid colors and variety of flavors infused in every recipe, providing moms with a visually pleasing cooking experience. Discover Cooking with Lavender is an ideal gift for seasoned chefs, foodies, novice cooks and lavender and gardening enthusiasts alike. After flipping through this book, I promptly bought two lavender plants for my garden.
- Chefz Table Cooking Class for 2 ($180 value)
- EatSmart Precision Pro Digital Kitchen Scale
- Discover Cooking with Lavender
- Chef’s Quad Timer
Giveaway (1 winner):
- All-Clad Stainless 14-inch Stir Fry Pan
- The Asian Grandmother’s Cookbook
Giveaway (1 winner):
- $75 Variety Pack from US Wellness Meats
- Cherry Pistachio Salt from Secret Stash Sea Salts
Giveaway Package (1 winner):
- Dolce Nonna Gift Pack
- Julia’s Kitchen Wisdom
Giveaway (1 winner):
- Discover Cooking with Lavender
Giveaway (1 winner):
- The Cast Iron Skillet Cookbook
The Rules:
- Comment on THIS post by 11:59 pm PST April 27th
- Anonymous comments: leave your email address and first name in the comments.
- Random winners will be announced by April 28th. I will notify you via email and you will have 72 hours to respond before I choose a new winner.
- Contest open to US Residents only.
Extra Entries: Additional entries can be earned by doing any of the following, giving you a total of 5 entries. Leave a separate comment for each of your entries.
- Tweet about this giveaway. Include @goodLifeEats and a link to the giveaway in your tweet. Leave the link to your Twitter post in a comment.
- Subscribe to goodLife {eats} via email or RSS reader. New Subscribers only.
- Become a fan of goodLife {eats} on Facebook.
- Vote for me (Katie Goodman) as one of Babble’s Favorite Mom Food Bloggers
The Baker (Winners posted here)
The Health Conscious Mom (Winners posted here)
The Sweet Tooth Mom (Winners posted here)
The Eco Mom (ending 11:59 PST 4/25)
The Edible Gardener (ending 11:59 PST 4/25)
The Wine Enthusiast (ending 11:59 PST 4/26)
The Aspiring Chef
Amy @ Ess Eppis says
OMG! I really won something!!!!esseppis(at)gmail(dot)com
Anonymous says
Gabreial vintagemorning(at)gmail(dot)com
Oneida says
Mothers sure are aspiring chief. Without them, we wouldn't be who we are. We are always part of our moms no matter what. They deserve nice things.
nmruscha says
Yay! Now I'm a fan!
Mepbeet says
These giveaways just seem to get better and better! Fingers crossed!
nmruscha says
Now an e-mail subscriber!
nmruscha says
I voted for you!
nmruscha says
This has got to be the most amazing giveaway I have ever seen!
noemptychairs says
I also subscribe through an RSS feed! Love your blog! Kelly
noemptychairs says
What a great week of gift ideas for mom! I would love to get any of the items that you have written about these last few days. Kelly
Erin from Long Island says
voted for you!
Erin from Long Island says
fb fanerin neu
Erin from Long Island says
google reader subscriber
Erin from Long Island says
Erin from Long Island says
email subscriber
Erin from Long Island says
I love all he prizes, especially the meat package!