Little Hands in the Kitchen
Now that Logan is in school full-time I spend a lot more time in the kitchen with Madeline. And a lot more time with her one on one. It has been a wonderful experience to have some alone time with her now and develop our relationship more that way. I feel like we’ve gotten to know each other better (no offense, Logan) with this time together.
Outside of the kitchen Madeline loves dancing, horses, reading books, playing dress up and swinging. She’s a girly girl, but perhaps that is because her mommy is too. In the kitchen she’s so hands on and loves to help. Doesn’t mind getting dirty or sticky hands. When she’s not helping, she’s usually playing in the kitchen sink filled to the brim with bubbles.
Related Recipe: Lemon Cloud Tart with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote
She’s not so fascinated with the photography aspect of what I do though. I usually have her bring a toy or something to color with in the room where I’m photographing, but there have been a few occasions when she’s been a willing participant in capturing the recipes.
Other times photos like this happen almost by pure chance. She loves to sneak little bits of things of the table that I’m working on. I love her cute little hands and how she thinks she’s being sneaky even though I catch her in action. Her face after tasting the uncooked rhubarb and realized how tart and generally not good tasting it was? Priceless!
Our rhubarb in the garden is waking up from winter and I’m definitely looking forward to trying some more recipes with it.
I entered this photo of Madeline’s hands as part of the I Heart Faces challenge: The challenge is “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.”……… Basically anything but a face.
I thought this photo was perfect! Edited slightly from the original posting of the photo using the Florabella action Milk & Honey.
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