How to Thaw a Turkey (Whole or Parts)
Knowing How to Thaw a Turkey and when to begin the thawing process are crucial in the Thanksgiving preparation process. In this guide, I’ll share the safest (and easiest!) ways to thaw a whole turkey, turkey breast, turkey wings, or turkey legs as well as one way you should NEVER thaw a turkey.

Learning How to Thaw a Turkey Safely
We’ve all seen it played out in our favorite holiday movies and TV shows: our favorite characters are joyfully embracing and wishing each other a happy Thanksgiving, and just as they sit down to enjoy their long-awaited dinner they all fall silent and look at the spread before them.
Where’s the turkey? Uh oh, no one remembered to thaw it out!
Don’t worry, so long as you follow the easy steps outlined in this post, you’ll not only remember to thaw your turkey this year but you’ll do it correctly, too.
The trick to thawing a turkey — be it a whole bird or a certain cut — is to begin the defrosting process well before you actually plan on cooking it. Turkeys are large birds, and as such they take a long time to thaw!
In this guide, I’ll be walking you through three easy (and safe!) ways to thaw any cut of turkey as well as one way you should never thaw turkey. Each method is USDA approved, and each works best for certain cuts of turkey.
Be sure to read my guide on Defrosting Meat Quickly and Safely for additional tips you can implement in your kitchen beyond the holiday season.
How to Thaw a Turkey (3 Ways!)
You have three options when it comes to thawing a turkey: in the fridge, in cold water, or in the microwave.
The best method is to thaw your turkey (any cut) in the refrigerator. Thawing turkey in the fridge keeps it at a constant temperature, which ensures even defrosting without the risk of bacteria developing on the meat.
If you’re in a rush and need to thaw turkey fast, you’ll want to use the cold water or microwave options. However, these thawing methods only work for small whole turkeys, breasts, legs, or wings.
The approximate thaw times for each cut of turkey are listed later in this guide.
Option 1: How to Thaw a Turkey in the Fridge
If you plan on thawing your turkey in the fridge, you must do so a few days before Thanksgiving.
Plan to thaw a turkey for 24 hours per 4 to 5 pounds of weight.
- Re-organize the shelves in your fridge to make enough room for the turkey, if needed. (I suggest placing the turkey on the bottom shelf in case any juices drip down.)
- Check that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40ºF or below.
- Transfer the turkey from the freezer to the fridge, leaving it in its packaging. (You might want to place the turkey in a roasting pan or similar baking dish to catch any juices that might otherwise drip into the fridge.)
- Once thawed, prepare the turkey as your recipe instructs.
Option 2: How to Thaw a Turkey in Water
Thawing a turkey in cold water is a good option to keep in mind if you forgot to put the turkey in the fridge days in advance. Note that you must cook the turkey on the same day you thaw it in cold water.
Plan to thaw a turkey for 30 minutes per pound of weight.
- Remove the frozen turkey from the freezer. Do NOT remove its original packaging; if the raw meat touches the water, bacteria will grow on the surface of the meat.
- Place the turkey in your kitchen sink (or large bowl, if you’re defrosting a turkey breast, legs, or wings).
- Cover the turkey with COLD tap water.
- After 30 minutes, drain the water and refill the sink with fresh cold water.
- Continue changing the cold water every 30 minutes to safely and evenly thaw the turkey.
- Once thawed, cook the turkey immediately.
Option 3: How to Thaw Turkey in the Microwave
Personally, I do not like thawing any cut of turkey in the microwave. Turkey breasts and legs are still very large cuts of meat, and defrosting them in the microwave often results in portions that are perfectly thawing and parts that are partially cooked.
However, certain cuts of turkey can technically be thawed in the microwave. Plan to thaw a turkey for 6 minutes per pound of weight, using the “defrost” setting on your microwave.
- Remove the turkey from its original packaging. Transfer to a microwave-safe container.
- Place the turkey into the microwave. Cook for short bursts on the “Defrost” setting, rotating and flipping over the meat periodically. (If your microwave doesn’t have a “Defrost” setting, adjust the power level to the lowest setting.)
Turkey Thaw Times to Remember
I’ve provided the approximate thaw times below for whole turkeys, turkey breasts, and turkey legs.
Remember: No matter the cut of turkey, you should plan for a thaw time of 24 hours per 4 to 5 pounds of weight in the fridge and 30 minutes per pound of weight in cold water.
Whole Turkey
- 8- to 10-pound whole turkey: Approximately 2 days in the fridge or 4 to 5 hours in cold water
- 12- to 14-pound whole turkey: Approximately 3 days in the fridge or 6 to 7 hours in cold water
- 16- to 18-pound whole turkey: Approximately 4 days in the fridge or 8 to 9 hours in cold water
- 20- to 22-pound whole turkey: Approximately 5 days in the fridge or 10 to 11 hours in cold water
Turkey Breast
- 2-pound turkey breast: Approximately 12 hours in the fridge or 1 hour in cold water
- 4-pound turkey breast: Approximately 24 hours in the fridge or 2 hours in cold water
- 6-pound turkey breast: Approximately 36 hours in the fridge or 3 hours in cold water
- 8-pound turkey breast: Approximately 2 days in the fridge or 4 hours in cold water
Turkey Legs and Wings
Turkey legs weigh an average of 1 to 2.5 pounds, and most turkey wings weigh just 1 to 1.5 pounds. Both can be defrosted overnight in the fridge or in 30 minutes or less using the cold water or microwave methods.
Can Turkey Be Thawed on the Counter?
Absolutely not! When you leave turkey out on your counter, it quickly enters the “Danger Zone.” That means if the turkey’s temperature rises above 40ºF, bacteria will begin to grow on it and it won’t be safe to eat anymore.
Considering that a whole turkey — even a small one! — requires multiple days to thaw in the fridge, it definitely cannot be left to thaw at room temperature.
Thawing FAQs
Got questions about thawing a turkey? Here are the answers to a few commonly asked questions. Feel free to leave any other questions in the comments on this post and I’ll respond with answers.
What’s the fastest way to thaw a turkey?
Smaller cuts of turkey (breasts, legs, wings) can be thawed quickly in the microwave. Plan on 6 minutes per pound of turkey.
However, my preferred method for thawing turkey fast is by using a cold water bath. Plan on 30 minutes per pound, and change the cold water every 30 minutes as well.
How many days in advance should you start thawing a turkey?
It depends on how big it is! A 8-pound turkey needs to thaw for around 2 days in the fridge, while a 20-pound turkey needs 5 days or more.
Reference the turkey thaw times listed earlier in this guide for more details.
How long does it take to thaw a turkey per pound?
- In the fridge: 24 hours per 4 to 5 pounds
- In cold water: 30 minutes per pound
- In the microwave: 6 minutes per pound
How long is turkey good after being thawed?
If the turkey was originally defrosted in the fridge, it can be refrigerated for an additional 2 days before being cooked.
If the turkey was originally defrosted in a water bath or in the microwave, it must be cooked as soon as it has finished thawing. It cannot be refrigerated and cooked later.
Is it okay to cook a turkey that’s only been partially thawed?
Technically, yes, but cooking a turkey that’s still fully or partially frozen will increase the cook time by up to 50%. By the time the inside of the turkey is finished cooking, the exterior will likely be dry and rubbery.
With that in mind, I suggest thawing turkey properly before cooking it.
Tips and Tricks for Defrosting Turkey
- Thaw the turkey in its original packaging (unless using the microwave.) The airtight packaging will prevent the raw turkey from coming into contact with the air or water, which will prevent the skin from drying out or bacteria from forming.
- Smaller cuts of turkey defrost well in a water bath or in the microwave. Larger turkey breasts or whole turkeys are best defrosted days in advance in the fridge.
- If defrosting a turkey in the fridge, plan in advance! To decide when to thaw a turkey, remember to allow 24 hours per 4 to 5 pounds of weight.
- If your turkey has developed freezer burn, you can still eat it. The texture of the turkey may be affected, but otherwise it’s perfectly safe to thaw and cook.
Safely Thaw Your Thanksgiving Turkey This Year!
Next time you’re wondering how long it takes to thaw a turkey, be sure to reference this guide!
Did you love how straightforward the instructions were to follow? Leave a comment below and give it a review for others to see what you thought.
On Instagram? Share your photo and tag me with @goodlifeeats and #goodlifeeatsrecipes. I’d love to see a photo of your turkey!
More Tips for Preparing a Turkey:
The turkey is the center piece of the Thanksgiving meal and is arguably the trickiest part of the meal. Learn all about turkey brining, cook times, and turkey roasting temperatures in this Thanksgiving Turkey Guide.
Check out my tried and true method for Smoking a Whole Turkey, along with my 8 pro tips for the best smoked turkey! You’ll love the delicious smoky flavor you get with this cooking process.
This recipe for Garlic Herb Peppercorn Turkey Dry Brine is full of flavor and will make your turkey shine on Thanksgiving! Dry brining a turkey is really simple and produces juicy, seasoned turkey meat.
Making Homemade Turkey Stock is relatively simple after your Thanksgiving Feast. Homemade turkey stock is so worth the effort!
Don’t waste any of your leftover holiday turkey this year! In this guide, I’ll share How to Freeze Turkey that’s been cooked already, as well as how to freeze the turkey carcass for making stock. Enjoy the taste of the holidays for months to come!
You made it through Thanksgiving, but now you have a ton of leftover turkey to deal with. Wondering what to do with leftover turkey? This guide has you covered!
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How to Thaw a Turkey
Knowing how to thaw a turkey and when to begin the thawing process are crucial in the Thanksgiving preparation process. In this guide, I’ll share the safest (and easiest!) ways to thaw a whole turkey, turkey breast, turkey wings, or turkey legs as well as one way you should NEVER thaw a turkey.
- Turkey (whole or parts)
How to Thaw a Turkey in the Fridge
- Re-organize the shelves in your fridge to make enough room for the turkey, if needed. (I suggest placing the turkey on the bottom shelf in case any juices drip down.)
- Check that the temperature of your fridge is set to 40ºF or below.
- Transfer the turkey from the freezer to the fridge, leaving it in its packaging. (You might want to place the turkey in a roasting pan or similar baking dish to catch any juices that might otherwise drip into the fridge.)
- Once thawed, prepare the turkey as your recipe instructs.
- Plan to thaw a turkey for 24 hours per 4 to 5 pounds of weight.
How to Thaw a Turkey in Water
- Remove the frozen turkey from the freezer. Do NOT remove its original packaging; if the raw meat touches the water, bacteria will grow on the surface of the meat.
- Place the turkey in your kitchen sink (or large bowl, if you’re defrosting a turkey breast, legs, or wings).
- Cover the turkey with COLD tap water.
- After 30 minutes, drain the water and refill the sink with fresh cold water.
- Continue changing the cold water every 30 minutes to safely and evenly thaw the turkey. Plan to thaw a turkey for 30 minutes per pound of weight.
- Once thawed, cook the turkey immediately.
How to Thaw Turkey in the Microwave
- Remove the turkey from its original packaging. Transfer to a microwave-safe container.
- Place the turkey into the microwave. Cook for short bursts on the “Defrost” setting, rotating and flipping over the meat periodically. (If your microwave doesn’t have a “Defrost” setting, adjust the power level to the lowest setting.)
- Plan to thaw a turkey for 6 minutes per pound of weight, using the “defrost” setting on your microwave.
Whole Turkey Thaw Times
- 8- to 10-pound whole turkey: Approximately 2 days in the fridge or 4 to 5 hours in cold water
- 12- to 14-pound whole turkey: Approximately 3 days in the fridge or 6 to 7 hours in cold water
- 16- to 18-pound whole turkey: Approximately 4 days in the fridge or 8 to 9 hours in cold water
- 20- to 22-pound whole turkey: Approximately 5 days in the fridge or 10 to 11 hours in cold water
Turkey Breast
- 2-pound turkey breast: Approximately 12 hours in the fridge or 1 hour in cold water
- 4-pound turkey breast: Approximately 24 hours in the fridge or 2 hours in cold water
- 6-pound turkey breast: Approximately 36 hours in the fridge or 3 hour in cold water
- 8-pound turkey breast: Approximately 2 days in the fridge or 4 hours in cold water
Turkey Legs and Wings
Turkey legs weigh an average of 1 to 2.5 pounds, and most turkey wings weigh just 1 to 1.5 pounds. Both can be defrosted overnight in the fridge or in 30 minutes or less using the cold water or microwave methods.
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