Happy Birthday, Logan! You’re 7!
It is your birthday again! I’m actually a little late writing this, since you’re birthday is today and today is almost over.
But you might not know that you were born at 9:35 pm…so, you’re not really 7 yet. A little over an hour to go until it’s “officially” your birthday. But I know that doesn’t matter to you. The first thing you said when you woke up with morning, before I even had a chance to say good morning, was: “It’s my birthday!”
We had so much fun today eating vanilla cupcakes with nutella frosting (nutella is one of your favorite things to eat). You got Oregon Trail for the Wii for your birthday along with a few books and some cool Lego robots which kept you busy all afternoon.
This is you at the beginning of first grade, trying not to smile when I took your 1st day of school photo.
I can’t believe how much you’ve changed and grown since you turned 6. I close my eyes for a moment and you’re suddenly a big boy. A first grader! If I told you this, you’d be quick to remind me that you’ve been doing second grade work all year. And of course I won’t hesitate to tell you how proud I am of you!
You are the smartest kid I know. You know more about geography than I do. (You think that an Atlas or a non-fiction fact book about Mongolia equates a bedtime story. I disagree with you.) Your a super fab reader. You recently said that your least favorite subject at school is math, but you’re really good at that!
You started playing the cello this year at school and I think that is really neat. You look so cute with your little teeny tiny cello. You still play piano and you’re improving all the time.
Logan, you are really bummed that we are moving to Colorado this summer. And I’m really sorry about that. I know you love your school and your friends, but I promise you that we will have a great time in Colorado and that you’ll make some great friends there. I can’t wait for this new adventure that we get to go on as a family!
I know that it isn’t easy being a big brother. Some days you get along so well with Madeline and other days she annoys the heck out of you. She annoys me too sometimes (Don’t tell her I said that!), but it’s still important to be nice and to remember that she really does love you. This evening she painted you several Happy Birthday pictures and gave you lots of kisses on the check. She can be really sweet sometimes…I know you’re working on remembering that.
You have been such a great helper to me lately. I really appreciate all the times you’ve practiced your team work with me and done what I’ve asked you to do right away with such enthusiasm. It makes being a mom so much easier.
I love you so much! Congratulations on turning 7!
marla says
Katie, this post is so loving, touching and beautiful. Happy birthday to Logan!
Severiana says
Totally cried when I read this! It’s so sweet!
Tickled Red says
Happy Belated Birthday Logan, so sorry I missed it ;D I know that you were spoiled and pampered.
Natalie @ Cooking for My Kids says
What a beautiful letter. Happy Birthday to your Logan. He and my Gabriel share the same birthday. Gabriel is 9, and he was born at 11:16 am.
Amanda says
Happy birthday little man! You are adorable and I hope your day is Super sweet!!!
Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen says
Happy Birthday Logan! Nutella Frosted cupcakes sound just perfect for celebrating such a big occasion.
Aimee @ Simple Bites says
Wow, seven. That is a great number. Happy Birthday, Logan!
Casey@Good. Food. Stories. says
Happy birthday from a fellow March 4 birthday girl! (Psst – I love Oregon Trail too.)
Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies says
Happy Birthday, Logan! You seem like such a fun guy – I love geography too. My favorite places to learn about when I was your age were Mauritius and Santorini. I hope you had a great birthday. 🙂
mybakingaddiction says
Happy Birthday, Logan. Such a lovely letter, Katie!
Kristen says
Happy birthday, Logan!!
Meal Makeover Mom Janice says
Great letter… Logan is such a cutie! Good luck with the move to Colorado, I’m sure Logan will make lots of new friends quickly.
Loraine says
What a sweet letter Katie! Happy Birthday Logan!
Amazing how fast they grow up, thanks for sharing a little glimpse into your world! He will love reading this years from now!