GrowCookEat: Swiss Chard Recipes
I need more recipes! What is your favorite way to cook and eat Swiss Chard? I’d love it if you could share your recipes in the comments section. I can’t wait to try some new dishes!
I’ll probably still plant Swiss Chard next year, but not so much and instead of the standard red I think I want to plant the Bright Lights Mix instead. Look how pretty it is!
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justine says
I made a chard frittata today because I got too much from my CSA … about 1 lb. chard, sauteed (stems first) with an onion, add 6 eggs and a cup of cheese (gruyere or your choice), stir together, cook on the stove until just set and then bake at 350 for about 7 minutes until just beginning to brown. It used up a LOT of chard!
Florcita says
Where I come from -sothern Argentina= Swiss chard grows by the side of the road as …weed basically. Naturally we not only use to adorn roads 🙂 but also eat it. Easiest way for me is to wash it, not dry it just shake the water out of the leaves a bit ad put it in a pan…with the water in the leaves is just enough. After 1 or 2 minutes add butter salt and pepper and that's it! You can do the same but instead of butter add some onions, garlic and eggs and make a sort of quick omelet. We cook the stems separately sometimes and have a side dish of steams boiled and then add seasoning, cream or butter. We also add it to pizzas, quiches, veggie soup… I don't have professional recipes but maynbe that gave you some ideas.I have no idea as to how I found this blog since I was searching for a complete different thing, but Im glad I did!
beyondriceandtofu.com says
We like chard here too! I think I planted mine pretty late and it hasn't been growing too fast. Here is one of favorite recipes for it.http://www.cooks.com/rec/view/0,2246,153183-236200,00.htmlRenee
Nancy @ TheSensitivePantry says
Here's our favorite chard recipe…sauteed with garlic, onions, and tomatoes. Add some pasta and you've got yourself a wonderful meal. http://bit.ly/if1H7 I'm going to enjoy looking at some of the recipes mentioned in the comments. Love chard!
Meal Makeover Mom Janice says
I have become a huge Swiss Chard fan since I joined a CSA several years ago. My kids will eat it in this recipe for Ravioli with Swiss Chard: http://mealmakeovermoms.com/kitchen/2009/03/20/ravioli-lasagna-with-chard/Love your photos of the chard. I have never grown it but maybe this is the year…
Cathy x. says
swiss chard makes a beautiful gratin! 😀
Quinn says
My favourite is Laura Calder's Swiss Chard Tart. It's deliciously amazing!
Tasty Eats At Home says
I love swiss chard! My favorite of all greens. Wish you could send some this way! LOL My favorite way to eat it is rather simple – I chop stems and leaves and saute in butter or olive oil, maybe minced garlic, and a bit of crushed red pepper. Although I did discover a lovely crustless quiche that calls for chard on Vegetarian Times http://www.vegetariantimes.com/lunchchallenge/day1/. It's really great!
elizabeth says
"Winter Greens with Carrots, Feta, and Brown Rice" from http://www.wholefoodsmarket.comSoooo good! 🙂
Joy says
You just reminded me of my much-overdue gardening post! Ha…will do so this weekend.As for recipes, my favorite is putting chard in lasagne: http://gourmeted.com/2010/03/25/eggplant-and-chard-lasagne/
colleen @ foodietots says
I recently sauteed chard with olive oil, garlic and halved cherry tomatoes — it was the first time my husband ever ate seconds of chard! He said the sweetness of the tomatoes helped.
This Here Bliss says
We always plant too much swiss chard, too.My absolute favorite swiss chard recipe is from Eating Well. Here's the link:http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/chard_with_green_olives_currants_goat_cheese.html
Lindsay says
This is my all-time favorite swiss chard recipe:http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Pizza-Bianca-with-Goat-Cheese-and-Greens-106098My all-time favorite pizza recipe as well. :)Our swiss chard is growing slowly. We planted the bright lights variety, but at the moment they all look the same color. Hoping in the next few weeks it'll be big enough to harvest!
Halegentry says
I get swiss chard every so often in my weekly veggie box delivery. I love to just wash well, pat dry, take out the tough stems, roll up leaves and chop; dress with equal parts toasted sesame oil and rice vinegar and asian spice mix. Chill for 30 minutes and serve. Very delicious and easy!Susan
Maris (In Good Taste) says
Katie I linked my two favorite swiss chard recipes even though the posts aren't about gardening, I hope that's OK! I loved your photos and can't wait until I have outdoor space to plant veggies!
Maria says
Love the photos! We finally were able to plant! Hopefully I will have garden updates soon:)