GrowCookEat: Gardening with Children
I’ve been pretty good about involving Logan and Madeline in the planting and watering. They definitely enjoy that. And for Logan especially it’s been a learning experience to help him understand about growing seasons. Peas grow in the spring, tomatoes grow in the summer, and so forth. He’s also really been interested in learning about which plants come back every year (perennials) and which ones we have to replant every year (annuals). It has been a great opportunity to teach them about where food comes from.
We found a great book at the library last year called A Fruit is a Suitcase for Seeds. The book is full of fun watercolor pictures and useful information geared towards children about seeds and how they grow. It’s a fun way to teach kids how to distinguish between what is technically a fruit and what’s technically a vegetable. Does the fruit carry the seeds inside itself?
And of course experts are constantly reminding us that by involving our children in cooking food is a great way to expose them to different foods, tastes, and hopefully translate that knowledge and experience into eating better. I don’t think it’s much of a stretch to assume the same for involving our children in edible gardening. If anything, it sets a great example that we as parents care about what we put into our bodies and how we treat the Earth and the plants that grow on it.
This might seem silly, but one of the things the kids had the most fun with was when we bought worms to put in our compost bin. Especially since I didn’t exactly know where one would buy worms, so I ended up ordering them online. Getting a box with a bag full of worms in your mailbox isn’t something that happens everyday. Logan and Madeline watched the worms wriggling around for a good 30 minutes before moving on to something else. And of course, being a boy, Logan wanted to know exactly what the worms were doing in our compost bin.
Of all these great learning opportunities and fun times spent together, I think the one that is most important to me is that helping out in the garden, whether it be fruits and vegetables or with flowers, gets my kids outside and playing and away from the TV and computer. We are all so much happier when we spend time outside together. Overall, it’s been a positive, fun and inexpensive way for family fun.
New ideas that I want to use this year:
I love this cute book about Planting a Rainbow. We always spend so much time playing outside once the weather warms that I think this would be a great addition to our regular summer activities. Kind of a mini-summer camp we could do at home. I think Logan would get a kick out of a rainbow garden and this would be a great opportunity to work on colors with Madeline, because she’s still unpredictable at identifying them.
photo by Jane Maynard
I have never grown Nasturtiums and don’t really know a thing about edible flowers, but I thought this idea that Jane posted about on Make and Takes was so pretty! I don’t know that I could get Logan to eat flowers, he’s pick enough as it is. Madeline, on the other hand, thinks everything is for eating. Really, you don’t even want to know some of the things I’ve caught her putting in her mouth. The realization that some flowers are actually okay for eating would thrill her!
Last year my neighbors had a lady bug release in their garden with their kids. I really want to do that this year! Logan has been learning about bugs at school and is really into them right now. Hatching butterflies would also be fun! This looks like a great kit to use and I’d definitely want to include some fun books about butterflies with the activity. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic favorite, but this Cat in the Hat book looks fun too since my kids love rhyming.
Do you have a great idea for getting children involved in gardening? What are you kids’ favorite things to do outdoors?
Next Friday we’ll have a great guest post on how to utilize your local extension service for gardening advice specific to your location.
Got your GrowCookEat post up?:
- Write a post about gardening on your own blog, don’t forget to mention www.goodlifeeats and GrowCookEat so that your readers know where they can learn more about GrowCookEat and gardening. Then, come back here to add the link to your post to the SimplyLinked form below.
- Don’t have a blog? ell us about your garden in comments section of each post so we can all see what you’re up to.
- Let’s stay on topic, this isn’t an invitation to spam everyone with your blog. If your post doesn’t somehow relate to gardening, it will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.
I also wanted to let you know that I’ve set up a GrowCookEat flickr group for those of you who want to upload and share all the photos of your garden
s with each other. You can join the group here.
Beth says
Its definitely a great idea to involve children in your gardening. It is a very educational experience as they learn about how plants grow and how they are taken care of.
Alisa says
Using the herbs and veggies we have in cooking got my son interested in gardening.He loves watering the plants 🙂
Anne says
Gardening with children is fun. I did it when I was a kid. Now I have my own children and a garden of my own, I would bring my children to the garden for the fun of playing with dirt and the sunshine.
Anne says
Gardening with children is fun. I did it when I was a kid. Now I have my own children and a garden of my own, I would bring my children to the garden for the fun of playing with dirt and the sunshine.
Meal Makeover Mom Janice says
You are right- gardening with kids is like cooking with kids. It takes more time, you get messier, and it can be a little frustrating. However, it is so worth it! Love your book ideas. Lois Ehlert also wrote "Eating the Alphabet – Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z" It's a great book to get kids excited about eating heatlhy foods.
Ott, A. says
So glad to have found your blog. I too enjoy gardening and eating what we grow and am starting a new feature on my blog called "plOTTing and planting". Hope you can stop by my blog for a cup of "Latte with Ott, A." Happy Gardening!
Stacy of KSW says
Katie, we picked up Planting a Rainbow at the beginning of spring and all of my kids love it. You should check out the similar book, Eating the Alphabet – it would be perfect for you site 🙂 It's next on my list of Must Haves. I hope you like my gardening post, I'm sorry to say the Texas heat is cooking most of our plants but we do have a few blueberries that look like they might make it :). I'm planning to take my kids berry picking soon so that should be a super fun post to add to your link up. Keep up the great work, I just love your site!
Deb says
The biggest factor I've found in getting my children interested in gardening is to be passionate about it myself and to just do it, quietly in the background.Getting them their own quality tools (metal not plastic) and giving them a patch to tend (at the allotment) means they're pretty hooked.Unfortunately, I've found it doesn't last. When they hit the teens it seems it's the last thing they want to do! That's natural I guess but at least I've planted the gardening bug seed in them. Whether it blooms though is largely out of my hands.
Jenna @ Newlyweds says
I agree it's so fun having the kids help in the garden. I also was a tad bit frustrated when planting this year as the kids were more than eager to help, and mix the seeds, yikes. No wonder I have a few rogue plants around my garden.But the thing my two enjoy the most is picking the veggies, especially turnips or carrots that you can pull out of the ground. They have more fun doing that.
Cookin' Canuck says
My kids love helping in the garden, particularly with the fruits and vegetables. It's so heartening to see them run outside each day to check on the progress of the plants. We're heading to a plant sale tomorrow that is held by a local community gardens to pick out some heirloom vegetable seedlings for our garden and the kids are making their lists.
Candi says
Great books! There's a Children's Book meme called "Feed Me Books Friday" by Adventure of Motherhood. Some of the mothers linked up some great gardening books week before last. Some really great ones out there, I have my list ready for the library!Here's her link:http://theadventureofmotherhood.blogspot.com/search/label/Feed%20Me%20Books%20Friday
Baby Signs(R) With Elizabeth ICI, INC. says
Gardening with kids can be a hassle, I've found plants growing in all sorts of weird spots in the garden, lol. What they loved this year was that I gave them a spot to make their own flower garden. They can help me with the vegetable garden, but when I need to take care of some of it on my own I can send them to their flower garden and they can do as they please :)They tilled it up, planted the flowers and they love watering their flowers and even weeding.We've always gotten Thomas (almost 8) a cherry tomato plant for his Birthday, he LOVES tomatoes!