GrowCookEat – Garden Tour {Guest Post: bell’alimento}
We grow the majority of our plants in containers. Yes, in containers on our deck. I’m proof that you don’t need a large space to grow a garden. We live on the east coast {NC to be exact} and our summers are H O T. Our deck is in full sun and is the perfect situation for growing in containers. Not to mention my deck is directly off of my kitchen & I can go and pick what I need while I’m cooking. Farm {or ehem deck to table ; ) }
We have also expanded to a small area just off of our deck that housed our ginormous rosemary bush. We *gasp* cut it back and tilled the ground around it to allow for more plantings. We added the larger tomatoes {celebrity and big boy varieties} along with the squash, eggplant, and cantaloupe.
Here is exactly what we have planted this year…
- Flat Leaf Italian Parsley
- Sweet Basil
- Lemon Thyme
- Rosemary
- Dill
- Chives
- Sage
- Oregano
- Mint
- Tomato {Varieties: Cherry, Roma, Big Boy, and Celebrity }
- Cantaloupe
- Blueberry
- Strawberries
- Bell Pepper {Varieties: green, yellow and red}
- Jalapeno
- Japanese Eggplant
- Crooked Neck Squash
Some plantings that didn’t make it {boo hoo} were shallots, cilantro and spinach. We’ll give those a go again next year. Speaking of next year, we hope to add a few raised beds {just have to figure out how to keep those pesky deer out} to grow even more homegrown goodies.
There is truly nothing like fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables that you’ve grown yourself. They’re more vibrant, they’re more flavorful and YOU KNOW exactly what has gone into growing them! I love seeing what new ripe and ready goodies are waiting for me each day. I plan my daily meals around my little harvest and when they’re coming in fast and furious we’ve also begun canning {which will allow us to enjoy our goodies during the winter months}
A garden {big or small} is such a great experience! Even our little ones enjoy seeing where their food comes from…and picking the fruits of their labors when they’re ripe {or in some cases not so ripe}. Thanks so much for letting me share my little green corner with you! Happy gardening!
What’s going on in your garden this week? Have you made any great recipes with your fresh produce or planted something new? I’d love to hear about it!
Want to link up your GrowCookEat post?:
- Write a post about gardening on your own blog, don’t forget to mention www.goodlifeeats.com and GrowCookEat so that your readers know where they can learn more about GrowCookEat and gardening. Then, come back here to add the link to your post to the SimplyLinked form below.
- Don’t have a blog? Tell us about your garden in comments section of each post so we can all see what you’re up to.
- Let’s stay on topic, this isn’t an invitation to spam everyone with your blog. If your post doesn’t somehow relate to gardening, it will be deleted. Thanks for understanding.
Chocolate Freckles says
In Mexico we also eat the zuccini flowers!! I’ve got in my blog an amazing recipe for Zuccini flower tacos.
Sara says
I envy you, such gorgeous produce! unfortunately I do not have a green thumb. Zucchini flowers look gorgeous!!!
marla says
This is such a pretty post. It is so fun to learn what you guys grow in your gardens. I do not have a green thumb, but a girl can dream 🙂 That little strawberry is the cutest thing ever! Great guest post. xo
Jennifer (Savor) says
Love and envy your garden Paula … and the photos are gorgeous
Becki says
I also do container planting, and I have one raised bed. I have some crazy deer – one year they broke through my screen door to eat a rosebush I was keeping just inside the door. I’ve found the only way I can keep them off my outdoor plants is bird netting. It’s really cheap and you can find it at any garden store. I stick poles/stakes in the ground surrounding the garden, and then wrap with the bird netting. I’ve also put some on top of the “fence” because I just don’t trust those deer. Don’t forget to leave a secret space for you to enter the garden!