December 18, 2011
Great Holiday Deal Alert: Magazine Subscriptions from Amazon
I never pay full price for magazine subscriptions. Every year for the past couple of years I wait for Amazon’s Holiday Deals on Magazine Subscriptions. Magazine Subscriptions can make a great gift…one that gives the whole year. There are several food magazines on the list this year that I thought you all might be interested in.
$5 Magazine Subscriptions
When a whole year subscription is on sale for $5 I figure that is worth it for me. Just one issue costs nearly $5 at the grocery store check out, so I might as well gift someone with a whole year (or treat myself).
$10 or LESS Magazine Subscriptions
Here are a few more magazine picks for $10 or LESS. I’ve subscribed to Vegetarian Times before and really enjoy that one.
What are your favorite magazines to subscribe to?
Erin @ Small and Simple Things says
Cooking Light used to be my favorite. I was a long time subscriber, but when they re-did it recently, it lost its appeal for me. I have a subscription to Parents magazine, but I am going to let it expire. HOWEVER, I am going to go check out the $5 subscriptions. You never know.