Books about…Books!
After watching this video trailer for the book It’s a Book, by Lane Smith I was inspired to look for more books about books to read with the kids.
We check out books from the library every week and enjoy story time every night before bed with the kids, so why not feature a book week that was all about books.
Books themselves deserve to be the star once in a while! These were really fun titles to check out. Hope you enjoy!
BookSpeak!: Poems about Books
By Laura Purdie Salas, Illustrated by Josee Bisaillon
Find BookSpeak!: Poems About Books on Amazon.
BookSpeak! features wild and weird, wacky and winsome poems about all the magic to be found on a single bookshelf. These winsome poems give voices to a group that seldom gets a voice . . . the books themselves!
Characters plead for sequels, book jackets strut their stuff, and we get a sneak peek at the raucous parties in the aisles when all the lights go out at the bookstore!
The Incredible Book Eating Boy
Written and Illustrated by Oliver Jeffers
Find The Incredible Book-Eating Boy on Amazon.
Like many children, Henry loves books. But Henry doesn’t like to read books, he likes to eat them. Big books, picture books, reference books . . . if it has pages, Henry chews them up and swallows. And the more he eats, the smarter he gets—he’s on his way to being the smartest boy in the world!
But one day he feels sick to his stomach. And the information is so jumbled up inside, he can’t digest it! Can Henry find a way to enjoy books without using his teeth?
I am the Book
By Lee Bennett Hopkins, Illustrated by Yayo
Find I Am the Book on Amazon.
Readers will unlock a treasure trove of poems in this exuberant celebration of reading. A book is a wonderful, magical treat. The thirteen poems in this collection encourage young readers to snuggle up with a story and stretch their imaginations, to splash in a sea of tales by day and swashbuckle through chapters late at night.
I Will NOT Read This Book
By Cece Meng, Illustrated by Joy Any
Find I Will Not Read This Book on Amazon.
This is the story of how the ultimate reluctant reader became a book lover. The little boy in I Will Not Read This Book has a lot of excuses, because if there is one thing he doesn’t want to do, it’s read this book.
He won’t read it even if you hang him upside down by one toe, over a cliff, with sharks down below. And you know what? You. Can’t. Make. Him.
Miss Dorthy and Her Bookmobile
By Gloria Houston, Illustrated by Susan Condie Lamb
Find Miss Dorothy and Her Bookmobile on Amazon.
When Dorothy was a young girl, she loved books, and she loved people, so she decided that she would become a librarian.
Dorothy’s dearest wish is to be a librarian in a fine brick library just like the one she visited when she was small. But her new home in North Carolina has valleys and streams but no libraries, so Miss Dorothy and her neighbors decide to start a bookmobile. Instead of people coming to a fine brick library, Miss Dorothy can now bring the books to them—at school, on the farm, even once in the middle of a river!
The Book that Eats People
By John Perry, Illustrated by Mark Fearing
Find The Book That Eats People on Amazon.
Legend has it there exists a book that eats people. This is that book! Many readers have been unable to escape its perilous pages. But this isn’t that book. Yes it is! This is simply a story about that book. Really. I mean, how could a book eat people? So if you’re just dying to know the history of this literary monster, all you have to do is turn the page…
Book! Book! Book!
By Deborah Bruss, Illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke
Find Book! Book! Book! on Amazon.
When the children go back to school, the animals on the farm have nothing to do. That is…until they discover the library. But when Cow, Pig, Horse, and Goat try to check out a book, they are met with a very puzzled librarian. Why can’t she understand? It is only when Hen gives it a try – “book! Book! BOOK!” – that the animals finally get what they want!
That Book Woman
By Heather Henson, Illustrated by David Small
Find That Book Woman on Amazon.
Cal is not the readin’ type. Living way high up in the Appalachian Mountains, he’d rather help Pap plow or go out after wandering sheep than try some book learning. Nope. Cal does not want to sit stoney-still reading some chicken scratch.
That Book Woman keeps coming just the same. She comes in the rain. She comes in the snow. She comes right up the side of the mountain, and Cal knows that’s not easy riding. And all just to lend his sister some books. Why, that woman must be plain foolish — or is she braver than he ever thought?
That Book Woman honors a special part of American history — the Pack Horse Librarians, who helped untold numbers of children see the stories amid the chicken scratch, and thus turned them into lifetime readers.
It’s a Book
By Lane Smith
Find It’s a Book on Amazon.
Playful and lighthearted with a subversive twist that is signature Lane Smith, It’s a Book is a delightful manifesto on behalf of print in the digital age. This satisfying, perfectly executed picture book has something to say to readers of all stripes and all ages.
What books did you read this week?
Jen says
That video was hilarious! I loved, “Can it blog?” And yet so fitting… We were just reading the new Easter book by Jan Brett.
JP says
Thanks for the mention!