5 Tips to Balance Family Life During Transition
Even though the house is mostly unpacked (the office still needs a good big of work and the garaged needs some cleaning and organizing, but for the most part our new home is functional) I still feel like we’re living in limbo.
It’s going to take some time for us to find our new normal. I’m glad that our new normal is most likely going to include regular sunset views like these.
Transition is hard on our families and bodies. Even if the transition is a positive experience (like moving into a new home or having a baby), the stress that accompanies these changes is hard on us and doesn’t always go away immediately.
The best thing anyone can do is to take care of their body and their family during these challenging times. Here are 5 tips I learned that helped balance our family life during our big transition.
5 Tips to Balance Family Life during Transition
1. Nourish Your Body
When undergoing transition, our bodies are often mentally, physically, and emotionally stressed.
Maintaining a proper diet not only gives us adequate nutrition to complete the tasks at hand, but also keeps the body from giving in to the pressures of the transition and getting sick. Adding the stress of being sick to the family when you’re already experiencing a transition is never a fun idea.
Keep easy to prepare and healthy foods on hand for snacks an lunches. We like having lots of fruits – fresh and frozen – and greek yogurt to whip up quick smoothies with. String cheese, mini bell peppers, and hard boiled eggs are also great simple additions to lunch or snacks.
The first room I unpacked in our new home was the kitchen. I wanted right away to be able to prepare healthy, although simple, meals. I knew that I’d need that energy and nourishment to keep me going…
Click here to read the rest over on Together Counts!
What are your tips for balancing your family life during a time of transition?
Together Counts
I have been asked to participate in the Together Counts blogger ambassador program and am thrilled at the opportunity to support and organization with such a valuable message.
Together Counts is a program created by Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation. Their goal is to bring families together to live a balanced, healthy lifestyle – something I’m completely on board with.
Over the next several months I’ll be sharing our family experiences and goals to lead a balanced and healthy life. I’ll be contributing to their blog as well as sharing my experiences and tips here. If you’d like to follow along, you can find Together Counts on Facebook and Twitter to Pinterest .
I have been compensated to participate in the Together Counts Blogger Ambassador Program. All experiences and opinions are mine.
Alison @ Ingredients Inc. says
wow i can relate! Just moved too