Adventures in Home Repair: Eric Versus the Microwave
Hello there.
This is Katie’s other half.
Usually I hear the female gender being referred to as the “better half”, but I won’t demean myself by calling myself the “worse half”.
Just ‘half’ is fine.
Though, thinking about myself as half a person is kind of strange.
What I here describe is my adventures in fixing the microwave.
Katie is painfully aware that I am no handyman.
Simple tasks that normal people handle with alacrity cause me to tremble in fear.
For example, it took me 3 years to finally put a bulb in the garage door opener so that we don’t stumble in the darkness when we come home at night.
So, when the microwave handle broke, I just rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh, mentally adding another future misadventure to my to-do list.
Now, I’ll add parenthetically that I don’t really know why I’m the designated handyman in the Goodman household.
It seems traditional gender roles have been thrown out the window, which I’m fine with, especially if that somehow gets me out of being the handyman.
But, alas, such is my fate, to become the bumbling home-fixer person in the Goodman family.
Since we’re getting ready to move, a lot of tasks that I’ve been putting off now have a deadline.
I can no longer procrastinate.
The next job is to fix the microwave.
When you take a look at the microwave, it doesn’t look too daunting.
Just a broken handle.
So I spend a good half hour looking up my model number JVM2070BH02, and finally find a way to order the handle.
It takes a few days for the part to arrive, allowing ample time to wallow in self-pity at my predicament.
So much fun.
I finally find a link that describes the process of fixing the handle.
However, there’s no pictures and it has ominous warnings about not scratching the glass or else the radiation might leak out.
Great, with my luck, I’m going to break the microwave.
Or at least be frying my family along with the food.
This is definitely not something I want to tackle.
As I’m standing there, staring at the microwave, hoping it goes away, I hear whisperings.
Leaning closer, I make out the low growl:
“You can’t do it. There’s no way you can fix me.”
No argument there.
“Yes, you’re probably right,” I reply (in my head, because I’ve found that I get strange looks when I talk out-loud to inanimate objects).
However, the microwave goes one step too far.
“‘Half'”, it says, “you’re not even half a handyman.”
Them’s fighting words! So I grab a small screwdriver, flipping it in my hand for show.
And open the door.
6 Easy Steps to Fix a Microwave Handle
The following repair instructions apply to the microwave model number: JVM2070BH02
1. Slide a screwdriver in the seam between the edge of the door and the panel that frames the window.
2. Carefully pry open the panel that frames the window.
You only need to get a couple inches worth of clearance near where the handle is located.
I first started focusing on just one location to pry it open, but that seemed liable to bend the panel.
Then I switched to prying a little bit at a time in many different locations, and that worked well.
3. Now you use a Philips screwdriver to remove the screws holding the handle (or a stub of what remained of the handle) in place.
4. Then you take those same screws and attach the new handle.
The screws kept falling off for me as I tried to place them but solved that issue by using a screwdriver with a magnetic head.
5. Press the panel back into place.
6. Ta-da!
Now you’ve got a nice, new handle!
Stay tuned next time when I tackle the garbage disposal.
Or if you don’t see a post, that might indicate it didn’t go so well.
Do you love DIY home projects or do they make you shake in your boots?
How to Fix a Microwave Handle
The following repair instructions apply to the microwave model number: JVM2070BH02
- Replacement Handle
- Phillips Screwdriver
- Flathead Screwdriver
- Slide a screwdriver in the seam between the edge of the door and the panel that frames the window.
- Carefully pry open the panel that frames the window.
- You only need to get a couple inches worth of clearance near where the handle is located.
- I first started focusing on just one location to pry it open, but that seemed liable to bend the panel.
- Then I switched to prying a little bit at a time in many different locations, and that worked well.
- Now you use a Philips screwdriver to remove the screws holding the handle (or a stub of what remained of the handle) in place.
- Then you take those same screws and attach the new handle.
- The screws kept falling off for me as I tried to place them but solved that issue by using a screwdriver with a magnetic head.
- Press the panel back in place
Jodi Miller says
Thank you, thank you, thank you! We were able to save ourselves $47 by doing the repair ourselves with a part ordered online instead of calling the home warranty folks. This was so concise!
Katie Goodman says
glad to hear that worked well for you!
monica says
totally worked! I was so happy to fix it without telling hubby!
Ashlee Chu says
Coincidentally to say, I needed to see AND read this. Thanks so much in advance for “helping repair” my microwave door.
Tracy says
This just might come in handy one day- we have the same microwave only in the stainless version! I guess you never do know when the handle is going to pop off 😉
Meal Makeover Mom Janice says
Well done. And we thought Katie had all the talent in the family! I loved finally meeting your charming wife at IACP last weekend. Keep up the good work, both of you!
Patricia says
Well, Eric, there you go, so much better than you gave yourself credit for. As for the books you mentioned I do believe they will have to remain unread in this household: they are as much Greek to me as being able to actually read Greek! And my background is Finn! 😉
Ron Goodman says
Good job Eric. I knew you could do it!
Shaina says
Ha! Eric, I can’t wait to hear about the garbage disposal adventure! Good luck with the fiction writing and the move!!
Casey@Good. Food. Stories. says
I bet that microwave regrets ever throwing down with you – it was no match for your handyman skills. (And you better believe I’m showing this post to my husband!)
Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies says
Eric, this is a great how-to. We’re typically good *together* on household projects, but I don’t think either one of us likes tackling them alone. You have my kudos. I do have one question.. what made Katie so mad she yanked the microwave handle off its screws? 😉